Monday, September 15, 2003

Back In The Saddle

Well, today is my first day back at work since having reconstructive ACL surgery. Woo Hoo. I am exhausted already and it's not even Noon. I am using a walker since I am an abismal failure with crutches so I hobble around like an old lady and everyone is haiving fun with it. I suppose it's better just to laugh along with them.

My pain level is about a 5 right now. I've only had Alleve today but I brought my Lortab along with me to work. We'll see if I can't make it through the day without it. My recovery has gone rather smoothly with only a few bumps in the road. I'm still only at 112 degrees bending my left leg but I'm hoping today I'll measure more.

Gotta run--10,000 things to do to catch up at work.


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